Settlers of Nave Daniel settlement, which was constructed on Palestinian confiscated lands which belong to residents of Al Khaader village near Bethlehem, grabbed farmlands which belong to the family of Ismail Mousa.

A local source in the village reported that the settlers grabbed 18 Dunams, bulldozed part of it and starting preparing for the foundations of the new settlement. 

“Soldiers were present in the area”, the source stated, “but they did not attempt to stop them”.

The family filed a complaint to the “Civil Administration Office” which belongs to the Israeli army; the complaint was filed by the Popular Committee for Land Defense. 

The family said that they own the land, and that the have the needed documents which prove their ownership of the land since they inherited it from forefathers.

“The settlers were trying to grab it since many years”, a member of Mousa family said, “We will defend our land; the settlers repeatedly attacked and threatened us”.

The family appealed humanitarian and law institutions to aid them in order to stop the repeated settlers attacks and their continuous attempts to control it.