The Islamic Jihad movement considered the assassination attack carried out by the Israeli air-force in Gaza, on Thursday at night, an open war declared by Israel against the movement and the Palestinian factions.

The air strike targeted two Islamic Jihad activists; eight Palestinians, including the two activists were killed in the attack.

Khader Habib, one of the political leaders of the Islamic Jihad said that “Israel conducted a new massacre which will lead to further escalation”.

Habib added that the movement will retaliate to the military escalation. “Our response will be fast and painful”, he said.

Also, Habib called on the Palestinian factions to unite and drop all of their differences in order to counter the Israeli military attacks, and called on all resistance fighters to “be ready to defend and protect their land and people”.

The Palestinenet news website reported that Islamic Jihad leaders took all needed precautions after Israel clearly declared that its main target is Islamic Jihad fighters and leaders, which includes its political leadership.

The movement claimed responsibility for the Hadera suicide bombing, which was carried out on Wednesday afternoon, five Israelis were killed. The bombing came in retaliation to the assassination of its military wing leader Luay Al Saadi, in Tulkarem refugee camp; five Palestinians were killed and several others were injured.

Also, the movement called on its political leaders, especially its leaders in the Gaza Strip, to increase their security guards, and to limit their movements, in addition to limiting the usage of mobile phones.

Leaders and activists of the Islamic Jihad were asked to stay in unknown locations and to avoid gathering in one area.

On Thursday afternoon, Israeli soldiers broke into a West Bank home to arrest Sheikh Abdul-Halim Iz Ed-Den, one of the leaders of the Islamic Jihad, found other members of the movement there, and arrested them.