Israeli soldiers arrested on Thursday a Palestinian Schoolgirl near Qortoba School, adjacent to the Israeli settlement of Beit Hadassah, in the West Bank city of Hebron.

Isra’ Mohammad Iseed, 15, was walking back home from school at approximately 13 hours on Thursday when an Israeli soldier stopped her and handled her roughly, an international Human rights activist present in Hebron reported.

Three settlers and a child girl arrived at the area and started to abuse the girl and hit her, until two international observers interfered and accompanied the girl after taking her away from the settlers, and called the police.

The settlers continued to attack the girl and the two observers, when the Israeli police arrived, they arrested the girl and took her to a police station in Keryat Arba’ settlement in Hebron. The settlers who attacked the girl walked away, while the police did not attempt to stop them.

Laywer Yahia Abu Zeina, who represents the girl, was denied access to the police station, and was prevented from talking to her.

After the police arrested the girl, settlers gathered in the area, attacked human rights observers, destroyed a video camera and struck one of them in his head after destroying his mobile phone.

The army did not interfere until the observers asked them to do so. When soldiers interfered, they took three observers to the police station, without apprehending any settler.

Isra’ is still detained in Keryat Arba’ police station; neither her lawyer, nor her family, were able to visit her. The three observers were released later on.