Israeli soldiers detained dozens of Palestinian residents at the northern entrance of the West Bank city of Hebron, on Saturday morning, broke into homes and detained dozens of residents.

A local source in Hebron reported that soldiers based at a military roadblock which is installed at the northern entrance of the city, detained the residents near Halhoul Bridge area, and searched the vehicles and the residents.

Hundreds of vehicles were forced to line up while soldiers conducted thorough searches causing a huge traffic jam in the area.

Taxi drivers were forced to stop their vehicles while soldiers went through their “ordinary” searches and examined the identity cards of the passengers.

Also on Saturday, soldiers invade Yatta village, south of Hebron, broke into homes and searched them.

Soldiers, supported by armored vehicles and military jeeps, surrounded Al Qaseer, Al Shaabeen, and Al Karaj neighborhoods in Yatta, and broke into dozens of homes.

In a separate incident, soldiers invaded Al Baraka village, east of Hebron and searched several construction sites near Al ‘Itimad hospital, while soldiers of the paratrooper division searched farmlands.ÂÂ