Residents of Azoun Atma village, south of the West Bank city are facing daily hardships after the Israeli Separation Wall isolated them and separated them from the surrounding villages and their orchards.

Earlier on Tuesday, Israeli soldiers invaded the village, detained several residents and asked them questions about homes there, and several constructions, which raised suspensions and doubts among the residents regarding the military intentions.

Soldiers were also asking about a specific home, and about the family which is living there, in addition to other questions about whether the home was legally constructed.

The residents fear that the army might be intending to occupy the home and use it as a military post.

Azoun Atma is inhibited by 1700 residents living in 250 homes, at least 70% of the residents depend on agriculture as the only source of livelihood, and after Israel constructed the Wall there, and isolated the residents, most of the families lost their sources of livelihood.

Entering or leaving the village requires passing through a Gate since the village is totally surrounding by the Wall. Soldiers controlling these gates repeatedly delayed the residents, school students and employees which accumulate to the daily suffering the isolated village and its residents have to face.

The army installed an electronic search machine, entering or leaving the village means going through this machine regardless of sex and age.

Goods and products are not allowed in without obtaining a special permit from the Israeli Authorities; obtaining these permits requires going through additional hardships and harsh military procedures.

The residents there feel that they are losing their social contact and relation with the surrounding Palestinian villages, even the sick residents who need medical help, and pregnant women cannot pass freely; they can only cross the gate in certain times specified by the soldiers who are, in the full sense of the word, controlling the daily lives of the residents and their fate.