Gaza Center for Rights and Law reported that the Israeli army killed, during the month of October, 26 Palestinians, including 9 children, and shot injured at least 96 residents, including 31 children, 5 women and three foreigners.

The center said in its monthly report that Israeli soldiers continued their violations and operations in the occupied territories, directly violating the international laws and human rights conventions, especially the Fourth Geneva conventions declared in 1949.

Israeli war jets, tanks and heavy artillery shelled several areas in the Gaza Strip, and conducted 18 air strikes resulting in the death of 12 residents; 25 other residents were injured.

The strikes also caused considerable damage in private and public constructions; 15 homes were damaged.

“Israel continued its violations to the Fourth Geneva Conventions, and the declaration of the General Assembly decision of 1959 regarding protecting the rights of children”, the center reported, “Israel also violated the 1989 agreement regarding the Children’s Rights by killing 9 children, and injuring 31 others”.

Also, the center reported that the army resumed its operations and invasions in the Palestinian territories and carried out 41 invasions; 13 residents were injured and 96 others were arrested.

Israeli soldiers imposed harsh restrictions on the movements of the residents by installing hundreds of roadblocks, and closing the crossings, especially the Rafah Border Crossing, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.

Complete closure was imposed over the occupied territories barring the residents from leaving their own areas, especially in Bethlehem and Heron; two residents were killed, 3 injured and 11 were arrested at military roadblocks.

The checkpoints restricted the movement of the residents, students and employees, and barred sick residents from reaching hospitals and medical centers.

One child died at an Israeli military checkpoint after the soldiers delayed a vehicle transferring her to a hospital, and insisted to search it.

The center also reported on the Separation Wall, and the continues violations which was resembled in uprooting and bulldozing farmlands and orchards,in order to construct the Wall.

Israel sped the construction of the Wall around Jerusalem in order to isolate it from the West Bank, and transform the settlement around the city into Jewish neighborhoods which belong to Jerusalem district.

“Israel is also trying to implement its settlement projects in Jerusalem, and expand Maali Adumim settlement by annexing Palestinian lands, east of Jerusalem”, the center reported, “This plan is part o a wider project to connect the settlement to Jerusalem and isolate it from the West Bank”.

Maali Adumim, Mishor Adumim, Kfar Adumim, Mitzpeh Yehuda, Elon, Qidar, Naveh Prat and Almoun settlements occupy 62.000 Dunams in the West Bank.

The center also reported that settlers in the West Bank escalated their attacks against the residents and their properties; settlers burnt trees, uprooted farmlands, fired at the residents, and annexed lands by surrounding them with barbed wires.

The settlers attacked the residents in 10 cases, including three attacks against Palestinian children, in addition to attacking 20 homes, a school, and a number of Palestinian vehicles.

The center appealed the international community to interfere and stop the attacks and violations carried out by the soldiers and settlers in several West Bank areas.