An Israeli report published by the printed version of the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, revealed that the Palestinian resident, who was killed several weeks ago in Hebron, died of Phosphoric bombs fired by the army in Hebron.

Gideon Levi, Haaretz reporter, published a report on Thursday, and revealed that the Israeli army is using Phosphoric bombs, which include explosive materials, during training in the Palestinian territories.

These flares are barred internationally, he added.

Several weeks ago, four brothers were injured, Hebron, while they were herding their cattle, south of the Hebron Mountain, in the West Bank.

Fadel Abu Arram, 17, died of his wounds, while his brother Hani, 12, remained in the Intensive Care Unit at a hospital in the Carmel. Their two other brothers, Mahmoud, 14, and Yousef, 24, suffered light injuries.

The phosphoric bomb is 1 meter long and 155 millimeters round.

The Israeli army expelled the Bedouins, who used to live in caves in an area known as Khirbit Janba, and declared it as a military training zone.

The residents filed an appeal to the Israeli High Court of Justice. The court allowed them to return to their land and areas which they use for planting and herding their cattle.

After the residents returned to their areas, the army did not clean it from explosives soldiers used during trainings.

Levi reported that medical reports at the Israeli Soroka Hospital, in Be’er Shiva, revealed that the four brothers were hurt by Phosphoric bombs.

An Israeli military spokesperson claimed that these bombs are only used during training. He claimed that soldiers were instructed to examine the area and clean it from any explosives which might be there.