Palestinian detainees in Qadumim Israeli detention facility in the West Bank are facing bad living conditions, treatment, and medical neglect, Prisoners Supporters Society reported.

Fayez Al Zorba, lawyer of the Society, reported that there are several child detainees in Qadumim, also suffering bad living conditions.

Qadumim facility also includes aged and sick residents, in additional to school and university students.

Al Zorba reported that he met with Mohammad Abu Samra, from Nablus, Mahmoud Antar, from Zeita, Shukry Ghassan Shukry from Atteel, Ahmad Abdul-Rahman Saleem, from Dir Estia, Mohammad Majeed Mer’ey, from Qarawa Bani Hassan, and Ammar Izzat Abu Zeid, also from Bani Hassan.

The detainees complained of bad conditions, repeated attacks carried by the soldiers against them, bad food and lack of medical treatment.

Also, Al Zorba said that detainee Nadi Radwan, from Qalqilia, was severely beaten and clubbed with batons after soldiers arrested him last week.

Radwan is a high school student, and was arrested on Friday, October, 7, 2005 after the soldiers claimed that he hurled stones at them. He was struck on his head, abdomen, and several parts of his body.

The detainees in Qadumim appealed humanitarian organizations to interfere and act against the Israeli violations against them in all detention facilities and prisons.