Israeli artillery shelled on Monday at night, and Tuesday at dawn, several areas in the northern Gaza strip causing damage to agricultural areas and barracks, no injuries were reported.

The Palestinian Media Center reported that Israeli tanks based close to the northern borders of the Gaza strip fired at least four shells at Palestinian areas there.

Also, Israeli artillery fired at least eleven shells which exploded close to Khazza’a area, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.

Troops based at the eastern borders of the Gaza Strip fired 17 tank shells, and opened heavy fire at empty areas east of Jabalia, in the northern part of the Gaza Strip.

An Israeli military source reported that the artillery was used after a Palestinian resistance group fired two Qassam homemade shells which exploded in open areas near the Karni Crossing, no damage or injuries were reported.

Army claims that another shell, fired by the resistance, exploded in an open area inside the Israel borders close to the Gaza Strip.

On Monday morning, Israeli soldiers shot and killed, on Monday morning, one resident near Juhr Al Deek area, east of Al Boreij refugee camp, in the central Gaza strip; two other residents were injured.

An Israeli military source claimed that soldiers shot and killed resident Imad Abdul-Al, and injured two others after spotting them attempting to plant explosive charges in a street used by the army.

Palestinian sources reported that the three residents were not fighters, and that they were attempting to enter Israel searching for work.