Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, and the Israeli Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom, met for the second time in Tunisia and held a second round of talks.

The meeting took place at the United Nations technology summit, in Tunisia, after they both met in an unplanned encounter, for the first time earlier on Wednesday.
An Israeli official at the Foreign Ministry confirmed that the first meeting was unplanned, yet it is considered the highest-level direct contact between the P.A and Israel.
Secretary-General of the United Nations, Kofi Anan, attended the meeting.
Shalom reiterated the Israeli position which apposes the participation of Hamas in the Palestinian Legislative Election, and claimed that such participation only weakens the P.A.
Shalom demanded Abbas to dismantle the resistance factions, and disarm them, and charged that Hamas movement “shakes the stability of the Palestinian Authority”.  
The Israel Radio reported that Shalom said during his speech at the Technology Summit in Tunisia that the international community should fight “using the internet for terrorist activities”.
Commenting on the coalition crises of Sharon government, Shalom said that he believes that the later will call for early elections, most likely in November 2006.  
Meanwhile, Abbas speaking to reporters said that he discussed with Shalom the Gaza agreement reached on Tuesday, and the continuation of such meetings between the two sides.
Officials from both sides declined to report on the contents of the second meeting.
Abbas, Shalom meet accidentally in Tunisia
Saed Bannoura-IMEMC & Agencies
Israeli Foreign Minister, Silvan Shalom and the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas met at a technology summit held in Tunisia on Wednesday. Israeli officials considered the meeting as a highest level of communication between the P.A and Israel in months.
Abbas expressed his satisfaction over the agreement which was reached as a result of the extensive talks the US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, managed to broke between the two sides on Tuesday.
Yet, Shalom expressed dissatisfaction and Israel’s displeasure over the participation of Hamas movement in the upcoming Palestinian Legislative elections slated for January 2005.
The meeting between Abbas and Shalom was accidental and unplanned, Palestinian and Israeli officials said.
Shalom told Abbas that Hamas is trying to “shake his government” and that Israel considers it as a “terrorist organization”.
Meanwhile, Abbas told Shalom that Israel should start moving towards peace, and renew serious negotiations with the P.A.   
Abbas told Shalom that Israel should start by improving its ties with the Palestinian Authority, so it can help the tendency of improving Israel’s relation with the Arab world.
“Send my regards to Sharon”, Abbas added.
Shalom, and the Israeli Communications Minister Dalia Itzik, landed on Tuesday in Tunisia for an official visit, during which both ministers will attend the Information Society World summit, which is sponsored by the UN.
Shalom, the Tunisian-born Israeli Foreign Minister, landed in Tunisia along with his mother, and the Israeli delegates, and was received by the deputy governor of the Djerba District, Khalifa Ben Mansour.
“Tunisia is a tolerant country and the Jews here live in their country and nation”, Ben Mansour said, “We greet all our guests”.
The governor declined to answer questions regarding the level of relations between the two countries.
It is worth mentioning that the Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, has refused to meet Abbas since Israel concluded its withdrawal from Gaza, in September 2005. Abbas expressed readiness to meet Israeli leaders, including Sharon, in an attempt to create a break through in the frozen Palestinian-Israeli peace talks.   
Sharon demands Abbas to disarm all resistance factions, before Israel agrees to conduct talks with the P.A.
Palestinian armed groups said that they are committed to the truce, but reserved their right to retaliate to the Israeli attacks in the occupied territories, and refused to disarm while the army conducts repeated attacks and invasions in the occupied territories.