Senior Israeli police officers, who took part of the evacuation of settlements in the Gaza Strip, and four settlements in northern West Bank, have been rewarded with trips abroad, Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth reported.
Yet the paper said that these trips will be labeled as “business trips” in order not to draw attention.
Israeli Internal Security Minister, Gideon Ezra, will be having his bonus trip in Hungary, and will be joined later on by Amos Yaakov, the Border Guard northern commander who was in charge of evacuating the “toughest locations”, such as the synagogue in the former Gaza settlement of Naveh Dikalim.  
Yedioth Ahronoth reported that several weeks ago, that Israeli Chief Moshe Karadai, went to Germany for the annual Interpol convention; two senior police commanders who participated in the pullout traveled with him.  
Two weeks from now, a large Israeli police delegation will be heading to China, several other senior police officers, who participated in the pullout process, will be heading there too.
An Israeli source reported that police officials are limited in the rewards they can offer to the officers who took part in the evacuation process, but overseas vacations seem to be one of the ways to do so.
The police officers heading to China are categorized under “exchange” with the host country, a senior Israeli source said, “but since Karadai cannot attend, other officers will replace him”.