The jailed legislator, and Fateh leader, Marwan Barghouthi, said that the primaries at the Fateh movement are considered an important achievement in the path of real reforms which could save it from its current situation.

Palestinenet news website reported that P.A Civil Minister, Mohammad Dahlan, Palestinian National Security Advisor, Jebril Rajoub, and the Palestinian legislator Qaddoura Fares, separately visited Barghouthi, on Sunday, in Hadarim Israeli detention facility, near Haifa.
Barghouthi is confined to solitary imprisonment in Hadarim.
The visit comes only two days after the Fateh movement conducted its primaries in several West Bank districts. Barghouthi won a vast majority in Ramallah area achieving 31691 votes (96% of the total votes). Most of Fateh young generation won the recent elections.
Barghouthi, told the three P.A figures that the primaries are the “weapon which will save the movement from all of its plagues”, and stressed on the importance of continuing the democratic path in all of the Palestinian territories.
“We have to continue this democratic process”, Barghouthi stated, “I am proud of our members and their high commitment and willingness to conduct the needed reforms which will preserve the history of Fateh”.
Also, Barghouthi considered the high percentage he achieved, while in his cell, as an important achievement and victory for the Palestinian political detainees in Israeli detention facilities, and every person who fought for the liberation of his country.
Barghouthi with the very high percent of votes he achieved tops the Fateh list for the upcoming legislative elections.