Palestinian Finance Minister, Salam Fayyad, said on Friday that he asked his counterparts from the richest countries in the world for immediate financial aid to help the P.A run the basic operations and services in the coming months.

Fayyad stated that that the Palestinian Authority (P.A) need 200 million dollars to meet its basic needs over the period between December and February.
The statements of Fayyad came after a meeting with the Group of Seven finance ministers held in London.  
“The P.A is facing serious liquidity problems, we are looking for sources of funding in order to meet the basic obligations”, Fayyad said, “This is what we tried to focus on; I hope it would be possible to come out with the needed support”.
Meanwhile, Israeli sources reported on Friday that the Israeli Finance Minister, Ehud Olmert also went to London for informal discussions with the finance ministers of the G7.  
Gordon Brown, the British Chancellor of the Exchequer and the chairman of the G7 ministers this year, visited the Palestinian territories and Israel last month to urge the international community to support a plan in order to revive the Palestinian economy.
Brown said that providing the people with jobs would give the people a greater stake in peace and security in the area.
It is worth mentioning that the U.K and Norway will hold a donor conference for the Palestinian Authority in London on Dec 7.