The Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS) demanded placing the detainees files, imprisoned in Israeli prisons and detention facilities, in front of the International Court of Justice, in Lahai, in order to probe the violations against them. 
The society released a statement marking the International Day for Human Rights, December 10, and appealed the international community to put the Israeli occupation on trial for its “war crimes carried out against the Palestinian detainees since 1967”.
“Israel disregarded, and continues to disregard all interrogational laws and regulations regarding the rights of the detainees who became the victims of military procedures, and violations”, the PPS reported.
The PPS revealed that 181 detainees died, since 1967, in Israeli prisons as a result of torture, mistreatment and medical neglect; 10 detainees died over the last five years, most of them died as a result of medical neglect.
No Israeli official was ever charged over these serious violations.
Also, the PPS added that soldiers executed 150 Palestinians after arresting them, since the beginning of the Intifada in 2000.  
Currently, there are 950 detainees, who are facing serious illnesses, including 25 detainees who have cancer, and facing deteriorating health conditions as a result of the lack of medical treatment and attention.
Also, the society added that the Israeli interrogators are using illegal torture methods during interrogation in order to force the detainee to confess to the charges files against them, especially after Israel legalized several methods of torture during interrogation, the PPS added.  
The society revealed that 90% of the Palestinian detainees, including children, sick and injured detainees were subjected to torture, and illegal methods which includes abuse, and sexual molestation during interrogation.  
The society also slammed the usage of Palestinian civilians and detainees as human shields during the arrest raids; several residents were killed, and injured.
Soldiers also arrested wives of detainees as a means to impose physiological pressures on them. 
The society described the conditions in the detention facilities as the worst since the beginning of the occupation in 1967, as the army started organizing attacks against the detainees in their rooms and detention facilities.
Israeli prison authorities as using humiliation as an additional means of torture, especially by conducting naked body searches and imposing high fines against the detainees, in addition to confining them to solitary for long period, and barring them from their visitation rights.
Israeli detention facilities lack cleaning tools, covers and mattresses, clothes and the detainees are usually held in over crowded rooms.