A Palestinian security source in Gaza reported that a group of gunmen of the Al Aqsa Brigades, the military wing of the ruling Fateh movement, stormed a Palestinian election center to protest against the handling of Fateh primaries that were tainted by violence and irregularities. 
Palestinian officials of the Central Elections Committee ordered, on Tuesday, all election offices to close in the West Bank and Gaza Strip following a series of attacks.
The central committee decided to close its offices in the West Bank in protest to the attacks against election posts.
The gunmen broke into office of the Palestinian Central Elections Committee, fired into the air and destroyed desks and computers.
"We have decided to close down all our offices in protest to the interference of gunmen who destroyed some of the offices and their equipment," Ammar Dweik, head of the Palestinian Central Elections Committee.
Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, vowed to take every necessary procedure to hold the elections in order to pave the way for the upcoming Parliamentary elections scheduled for January 2006.