Israel is threatening to cut off the Gaza Strip’s electricity supply if the Qassam homemade shells continue targeting Israel’s vital facilities, an Israeli military source reported on Wednesday.

During a high-level discussion among Israeli security officials, some argued that such a step would be ineffective because, according to the officials, the most important thing which the resistance factions are interested in, is hurting Israel­ – even if this also results in serious harm to the Palestinians.
"The Palestinian Authority is not conducting any efforts to counter the firing of the shells, it appears as if it is losing control", Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz, said on Wednesday morning.
Mofaz demanded the government to undertake an “efficient deterrence policy” in order to prevent the firing of Qassam homemade shells into Israel.
Israeli Agriculture Minister, Yisrael Katz (Likud) told the Israel Radio on Wednesday that Israel should bomb the entire Gaza Strip, forcing some of its residents to flee to the Sinai desert.
Also, Labor MK, Matan Vilnai, said that one of the ways Israel can prevent the firing of Qassams into Israel is by deploying troops on the northern Gaza Strip and staying there.
He told the Israeli Radio that by disturbing the Palestinians’ lives, the army will be able to make Palestinian civilians prevent the firing of Qassam, but warned that killing Palestinian civilians would achieve the opposite.
Five Qassams landed in Israel Tuesday; one hit an army base, and the other four landed in open areas near Sderot and the western Negev.
Israel retaliated by shelling the open areas from which the shells were launched, no injuries or damage were reported.
Last Sunday a Qassam home made shell was fired from Gaza landed not far from an Israel Electric Corporation power plant south of Ashkelon
In a press release on Wednesday, Palestinian Ministry of Interior denounced the statements of the Israeli minister of Agriculture to bomb the Gaza Strip demanding the International community to interfere in order to stop the Israeli attacks against the Palestinians.
Meanwhile, senior army officials demanded Sharon and his minister of defense Shaul Mofaz to launch a wide-scaled ground military operation in the Gaza Strip. The operation will include massive invasions and military operations in the Gaza Strip after reoccupying it.
Israeli source reported that Sharon is holding a meeting in his office in Jerusalem with Mofaz Israeli army Chief of Staff, Dan Hallutz, Israeli Police Commissioner, Moshe Karadi, and head of the Shabak, Yuval Diskin.