Israeli war jets shelled several areas, on Wednesday shortly after midnight, in Al Nusseirat refugee camp, in the central Gaza strip, and demanded the residents of the northern Gaza strip to evacuate their homes before shelling them.

The Israeli army demanded the residents of Beit Hanoun, in the northern part of the Gaza Strip to evacuate their homes within two hours. Army planes dropped leaflets calling the residents to evacuate, “or bare the consequences of not evacuating”.
Several loud explosions, which shook dozens of homes, were heard in the northern part of the Gaza strip.
An Israeli army source reported that the war jets fired missiles at three locations in the northern part of the Gaza Strip; the shelled areas are used by Palestinian fighters o fire homemade shells at Israeli areas, the source added.
Army planes drop leaflets calling Gaza residents to evacuate
Saed Bannoura-IMEMC & Agencies, 02:30
An Israeli military source reported, on Tuesday at night, that army planes dropped leaflets over areas in the northern part of the Gaza Strip, calling the residents to evacuate their homes.
The army warned that residents who choose to remain will endanger their lives as the army intends to shell these areas.
Israeli military officials claim that homemade shells are fired at Israeli targets from areas in the northern part of the Gaza strip.
The leaflets, and evacuating the residents, are part of an Israeli military plan to create a “security zone” in the northern Gaza strip as planned by the Israeli Defense Minister, Shaul Mofaz, and approved by the Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon.
Also, the U.S administration said that the military strikes against the Gaza Strip carried on Tuesday, are justified responses to homemade shells fired on Israel.
Early Tuesday the Israel Air Force attacked what was described as offices of the Al Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, and a bridge that was used by militants to reach areas where they fire homemade shells, according to an Israeli army source.
The strikes came after two Qassam homemade shells were fired at Israeli targets Monday.
Moreover, the United States expressed support to the Israeli plan and claimed that the Palestinian Authority has failed to address the security situation.
U.S State Department, spokesman, Adam Ereli, said that the US expects the Palestinian Authority (P.A) to acting against the Palestinian factions that are firing homemade shells at Israeli areas.
"What we would like to see is effective measures by the P.A against such acts so that the Israeli measures will not be necessary," Ereli added.