Israeli soldier, backed by 25 armored vehicles, uprooted on Monday morning, more than 400 olive trees from the orchards which belong to residents of Al-Sikka village, south of the West Bank city of Hebron.

The uprooted orchards are in an area which became close to the Separation Wall, south west of Hebron, the Palestine News Network reported.
Army closed the area, and barred the residents from reaching their orchards.
Majed Ihshiesh, headmaster of a school which is 100 away from the Separation Wall, said that soldiers placed the uprooted trees in large vehicles and drove away to an unknown location.
Ihshiesh added that land bulldozing and uprooting of the trees was mainly in the areas of Jurn Al-Arnab and Khallit Al-Sikka, west of the village.
The orchards belong to the families of Ihshiesh, Abu Samra, Iqteit, Al Ihrebat and Al Nashweyah.
In a separate incident, army arrested, Monday at dawn, two residents from Al Arroub refugee camp, north of Hebron, hours after invading the camp, and searching a number of houses.
The Hebron office of the Palestinian Prisoners Society reported that the arrestees were identified as Ahmad Mahmoud Abdul-Majeed Jawabra, 21, and Ahmad Issa Abu Kheeran, 17.