Former PA Minister of Civil Affairs, Mohammad Dahlan, who resigned his post to run in the Palestinian Legislative Elections elections, slammed on Sunday Hamas movement for what he said its stances on Jerusalem, religion, politics and Israel.

Dahlan is currently a candidate for the upcoming Palestinian Legislative Council elections, in Khan Younis district, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip, 
"Last week, Hamas issued statements which shocked us; we were surprised how such a movement can give up its principles so easily", Dahlan said while referring to the position Hamas took after Israeli imposed restrictions on elections in East Jerusalem.
Hamas insists on holding the elections even if Israel decides to bar the Palestinian vote in Jerusalem.
The statements of Dahlan came during a press conference in Casablanca Hotel in Ramallah, he said that the "future of Palestine is with Fateh, not with Hamas, or others".
"We have to win the elections even if we have internal problems", he added.
The former PA Minister of Civil Affairs also said that if Hamas controls the Palestinian Authority, it will "close dialogue".
Dahlan added that Hamas is ready to negotiate with Israel, announcing that he has declarations from Hamas leaders which reflect hopes for negotiations, while in their public statements they conceal such information, according to Dahlan.
Dahlan also said that Fateh members will "work in order to refresh the movement from problems it may face, as we have faced in the past."
"The results from the municipal and local councils elections cannot be seen again", Dahlan said while referring to the strong presence and victory Hamas achieve in local councils elections.