Fateh and Hamas movements agreed on Wednesday to honor and protect the Palestinian Legislative elections which will be held on January 25, 2006.
The two movements, along with several other Palestinian parties, held a press conference in Gaza, and declared a decree to provide the elections with the needed safe and democratic atmosphere, and to accept the results of the elections.
The decree also included the importance of the participation of east Jerusalem residents.
The press conference was held by Sameer Mash-harawi, one of Fateh leaders and candidates, and Said Siam, one of Hamas leaders and candidates, both running in Gaza.
"Let us make January 25, 2006, a democratic festivity", the header of the joint statement reads. 
Also, the statement called on the Palestinians to participate in the elections everywhere in Palestine, including Jerusalem, affirming there right to participate in the elections.
"The elections are an implementation of the Palestinian will, a clear challenge to the occupation, and a decisive determination to build a democratic Palestine, let us prove to the world that we are a nation that wants democracy, and independence", the statement adds.
Also the statement added that the two movements will not recognize, or protect, any member who tries to sabotage the election process, and called on the factions and candidates to conduct their campaigns in a democratic way.
The two movements also stressed the importance of not carrying arms during the elections day.
"We will hold talks with all factions, we will implement this agreement, and will support the Palestinian Authority in its efforts to protect the elections", the statement adds, "We call on our people, and members, to be aware of the rumors which targets our unity, and tries to harm the democratic process".