The newly elected member of the  Palestinian Legislative Council, Hamas media spokesperson, Mosheer Al Masry, reported on Sunday that contacts between Hamas and the Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas are ongoing, adding that he hopes to meet Abbas in the near future.

Abbas was supposed to meet with Al Masry on Sunday, but he cancelled that meeting without specifying the reason behind the cancellation.
Al Masry said that he does not know the reason behind the cancellation but expressed hopes that the cancellation comes as a result of "unforeseen positive event.
He added that Hamas movement is interested in achieving political partnership with other Palestinian factions, adding that the movement is conducting preparations to form the new government.
He stressed that these developments are not achieved in a short time. 
Al Masry stated that it is still early to discuss the incorporation of figures who are not members of the PLC into the government.
"It is too early to discuss such things, but the vision of the government is clear" Al Masry stated, "consultations with other factions, particularly Fateh, are ongoing"
He added that the movement is willing to implement political partnership with all who wish to join the government, and that "those who decide not to join Hamas’ government, will be considered brothers in the field of rebuilding the country".
"Hamas is working under the slogan of partners in blood, partners in decision making", Al Masry added.