The Palestinian National Information Center (PNIC) published a report on the Israeli violations to the cease fire agreement in its fifty-first week, and revealed that Israeli soldiers shot and killed 13 residents, arrested 91, and conducted 510 violations.The center reported that the period between January, 24, 2006 and January 30, 2006 included dozens of invasions, shooting incidents, arrests, blocking roads and traffic, closure of international crossings and repeated attacks carried out by extremist settlers groups.  
Soldiers conducted 87 incidents of breaking into homes, and arrested 91 residents after breaking into dozens of homes and conducting military searches.

During the period of the report, soldiers installed upwards of 65 temporary military checkpoints, and closed roads and crossings 208 times.

Settlers attacked Palestinians on seven different occasions during the week.  This brings the total number of settler attacks, since the beginning of the ‘ceasefire’ on Feb. 8, 2005, to 589.

The number of Israeli violations of Palestinian human rights, beginning from the date of the ceasefire on Feb. 8, 2005, is 25,997.  The violations include 2567 shooting incidents, in which 180 residents were killed and 1243 injured.  4297 residents were arrested during this period, and 4740 roadblocks were installed on Palestinian land.

Land expropriation by Israel of Palestinian land continued during the supposed ceasefire, with 35,344 dunams of land annexed illegally by Israel.  Trees were uprooted in 203 separate incidents.