According to the Palestinian News Agency, WAFA, the Israeli army arrested Thursday five citizens, including a girl in the West Bank (WB) cities of Bethlehem, Nablus and Qalqiliya.

In Bethlehem, Israeli soldiers arrested three teenagers from ad-Deheisha and Ayda refugee camps, north the city, security sources said.

In Qalqiliya, Israeli soldiers thrust earlier into al-Marj area, north of the city, launched a house-to-house search campaign, besieged Mohammed Helal’s house, arrested and led him into an undisclosed place, witnesses said.

In Nablus, Israeli soldiers arrested a girl at Hawwara checkpoint, while she was on her way home.

In Bethlehem, Israeli soldiers handed the citizens in Taqqo’ town, southeast of the city, warrants to demolish three houses under the pretext of having no building licenses, witnesses said.