An Israeli military source in Jerusalem reported that soldiers arrested a Palestinian woman from Bethlehem after she attempted to stab an Israeli soldier  in Jerusalem.The source claimed that the woman carried a 30 centimeter-long knife.

The woman ran towards a military officer screaming Allahu Akbar (God is great), and attacked him with the knife, the source claimed.

No injuries were reported in the incident.

The woman is the widow of Raed Amran Al Khateeb who was killed by Israeli gunfire in 2002 while he was inside the church of Nativity in Bethlehem.   

The Israeli army surrounded the church of Nativity in 2002 for 39 days, after fighters and residents took refuge in the church during the “defensive shield” operation which was carried out by the Israeli army.

Soldiers fired several shells, and rounds of live ammunition at the church, the birthplace of Jesus Christ. Several rooms in the church were burnt and damaged  as a result of military fire, nine residents were killed and twenty were injured after the  soldiers who topped portable watchtowers fired at them while they were in a yard inside the church hall.