A Palestinian medical source in Gaza reported on Saturday that one local resident died of wounds suffered three weeks ago after the Israeli army shelled Beit Hanoun in the northern part of the Gaza Strip.

The source stated that resident Mousa Abu Shallouf, 27, was seriously injured after the Israeli army shelled, with heavy artillery, an  area east of Beit Hanoun.

Abu Shallouf remained in the intensive care unit until he was pronounced dead on Saturday morning.

Abu Shallouf was seriously injured, and his friend Tareq Abu Harbied, 23, was killed after the soldiers claimed that the two men were attempting to place explosives near a military road.  

The army declared several areas in northern Gaza as buffer zones, barring the residents from entering these areas. Several residents were killed near the buffer zone areas when the army fired with heavy artillery at these areas claiming that they are used by resistance fighters as “launching pads” for homemade shells.