A local Egyptian magazine of Radio and TV revealed on Saturday what was described as  a joint American Israeli  plot to assassinate the  Hamas politburo chief  Khaled Mashaal, Palestine News network reported.
The Egyptian magazine reported that this plot was planned in an Arab capital by experts of the CIA (Central American Intelligence Agency) and those of the Israeli Intelligence (Mosad) and the Israeli Interior security services (Shabak).
According to the magazine, the experts of the American and the Israeli intelligence met with people of the Palestinian intelligence and preventive security department in addition to the intelligence of the hosted country, Palestinian minister of civil affairs of the outgoing government, was one of those who participated in these meetings.
 It added that the report that was written by one of the reporters indicated that the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas was not informed of  this plot until after it was blockaded. He was told that this meeting is part of other joint security committee routine meetings between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, but he neither approve nor object the plan.
This three day meeting was held few days before the Palestinian parliamentary elections dealt with   the strength and weakness points of the Hamas movement considering Khaled Maashal as one of the reasons of the movement strength mainly since both the local the exiled leaders are supporting him, who succeeded in retaining the unity of the movement and its strength especially after the deadly attacks Israel carried out against the movement prominent leaders, which is seen by the Israelis and the Americans as the main reason to assassinate Mashaal leaving no chance for failure attempt so that he will  not be highlighted same as what happened after the failed assassination attempt in  September 1997.
The second step will be drying the financial sources for Hamas, mainly from Iran stopping the spiritual support and the safe shelter for the movement leaders in Syria and Iran demanding the Americans to exert their pressure on both countries to deport the movement leaders who gained an Islamic and Arab public and official support and succeeded in breaking the ice with Europe.
The Egyptian magazine asserted that its source of information is a high ranked military official who participated in the meetings and declined from mentioning his name so as to protect him affirming that this official informed the leaders of Hamas of the outcomes of the meeting, who imposed security procedures on the movement of its leaders.
The magazine indicated that the hosted country where the meeting was held in was the first to invite a Hamas delegate headed by Mashal for a visit but they did not respond. These information, if affirmed would be a devastating strike against the PA officials namely Mohamad Dahlan who Hamas accused of obstructing  hand over of power to movement after its sweeping victory in the elections.