Sources close to the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) told PNN that many Professors from Najah National University have been nominated for positions in the new government to be formed in the coming weeks..According to the sources, candidates were put forward in Hamas’ current consultations regarding the formation of the government. Dr. Nasser Addin Ashaer, who was released two days ago from Israeli prison, has been nominated for Ministry of Information. Other candidates include: Dr. Khader Soundak to the Ministry of Waqf and Religious Affairs, Dr. Samir Abu Easheh and Dr. Abdul Satar Qasem.

An Hamas spokesman refused to comment on the list of nominees. He insisted that consultations regarding the composition of the new government are still underway and any discussion of names at this point is speculation. He also said that the new government will be composed primarily of technocrats.

Three members elected to the PLC are from Najah University: Dr. Aziz Doweak, the head of the PLC; Dr. Omar Abdul Razek; and Nasser Abdul, currently in an Israeli detention camp.