Dr. Azeez Dweik, Palestinian Legislative Council spokesman and a member of Hamas, reported on Sunday that the American Consulate in Israel threatened a candidate for the upcoming Palestinian government, saying that “steps of punishment” may be taken against him is he accepts a post.The threat, according to Dweik, includes barring the minister, who remained unidentified, from entering the U.S.   

Dweik told an American reporter, "[Even] if the United States of America offers to give us the riches of the world and abandon Jerusalem, we will reject the offer.” 

Dweik also met with students of Al-Najah University in Nablus and said that the world is placing pressure on Hamas to make concessions regarding Palestinian independence and rights.  

Dweik said that the international community demands the recognition of Israel, a stop to armed resistance, and recognition of signed agreements with Israel.

“The P.A gained nothing after it recognized Israel,” Dweik said. “Resistance will continue because the people want to resist the occupation. As for the signed agreements, Hamas will recognise every agreement that serves Palestinian interests and aspirations.”

Commenting on aid to the P.A, Dweik said that Hamas will reject any “conditional aid,” and that the Palestinians would “prefer to starve and die rather than giving up their rights.”

He also said that Hamas will form the new government after dialogue with the Fateh movement.

Dweik slammed Israeli policies against the Palestinians, and condemned Israel’s policy of “forcing facts on the ground.”  He added that these codes only aid Israel’s expansion, continuing occupation and control over Palestinians and their land.