National Jewish Front leader Baruch Marzel, on Monday called on the Israeli Army  to assassinate the far-left leader of the Gush Shalom movement Uri Avnery, and said the leaders of the Kadima party are "traitors" and "criminals."Marzel, now campaigning for the March 28 Knesset election, said left-wing activists are bringing destruction upon themselves and sometimes harm the interests of Israel no less than do the external enemies of Israel.

In response to comments by Avnery calling the 2001 assassination of cabinet minister Rehavam Ze’evi a Palestinian "targeted killing" – a term generally reserved for the Army’s strikes on Palestinian resistance fighters – Marzel said the Army needs to target Avnery.

Speaking in Jerusalem and Ramle, Marzel also said, "Traitors sit in Kadima. They betrayed their own principles, Judaism and Zionism."

Leftist Peace Now Movement described Marzel’s statements as illegal incitement and called on Attorney General Menachem Mazuz to examine it the issue.

"Marzel forgot that he receives immunity only if and when he is voted into the Knesset – not before. Marzel is doing everything he can to make headlines and to shock people," Peace Now said.

Marzel’s statement did not anger leftist activists, but also rightists who said Marzel won’t obtain the minimum number of votes to allow him to enter the Knesset.

Avnery is a former Knesset Member who has been actively involved with nonviolent resistance with Palestinian groups against the Israeli occupation.  In 2002 Avnery visited the late Palestinian President Yasser Arafat when he was beseiged in his headquarters in Ramallah.