The imprisoned Palestinian lawmaker Jamal Huwail called on the Palestinian resistance factions and the Palestinian Authority (P.A) to consider the issue of the Palestinian prisoners’ in Israeli prisons as a top priority, and to increase the activities that aim to expose Israel’s policy against the detainees.

He stated that the Israeli Prisons Services (IPS) is exploiting the current political situation in the Palestinian territories, and the international indifference towards the Israeli violations.

Huwail stated that the IPS is denying family visits to the detainees, neglecting the medication rights,confining the detainees to solitary, and is confiscating of their belongings.

He further urged the Palestinian people to unite, and to translate this national unity into actions of support to the detainees.

The calls of Huwail come while dozens of Palestinian lawyers working with the Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS) are threatening to go on strike in protest to not receiving their salaries since the beginning of the year.

On Saturday, a meeting was held between the former Palestinian legislator Qaddoura Faris of Fatah, who currently heads the club, and the protesting lawyers to deliberate the issue before they uttered their threats.

The PPS was covering, and following up almost 70% of the prisoners’ cases before Israeli courts, and writing reports that exposes the Israeli illegal practices against them.

Moreover, the international Tadamun (solidarity) Foundation for human rights declared on Sunday that that it is able to visit more than 80 Palestinian detainees imprisoned in Hawwara, Petah Tikva, and Al Jalama prisons within the period from 9-14 of April, as a result of the Israeli closures, isolation of the detainees and announcing several detention facilities as off zone to visitors and lawyers.