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The daily news, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, http://www.IMEMC.org, for Tuesday April 18, 2006.

The Israeli Army invade several West Bank cities and conduct a massive arrest campaign, meanwhile three children injured in Israeli shelling of Gaza these stories and more, coming up. Stay tuned.

Army arrest four residents from Al Arqa and Sanor villages in Jenin

Israeli armed forces invaded Arqa and Sanor villages in the West Bank city of Jenin and arrested four residents, Tuesday morning.

In Arqa, troops stormed the village and arrested Imad Yahia, 23, Sameeh Hamad, 48, the father and brother of yesterdays Tel Aviv bomber.

Meanwhile in Sanor village, soldiers searched several houses and arrested Abdel Salam Issa, taking him to an unknown destination, local sources reported.

Israeli Army invade Jenin, arresting two.

Israeli troops invaded the West Bank city of Jenin and arrested two residents, on Tuesday at dawn. 

A dozen armored vehicles entered the city and conducted a wide scale search of the residents’ homes. During this, troops arrested Ahmed Al Horani, 27, and Ibrahem Arsan, 21, it is not known where they were taken , eyewitnesses said.

Soldiers were seen forcing civilians from their homes at gun point and searching them in humiliating ways.

Army arrest resident in Al Arroub refugee camp

The Israeli forces invaded Al Arroub refugee camp north of the West Bank city of Hebron, and arrested Mohamned Al Horani, 24, on Tuesday morning.

Troops surrounded Horani’s house, forced entry, arrested and took him to an unknown destination, his family said.

Al Horani works as a security officer for the Palestinian National Security forces in the West Bank city of Bethlehem.

Army arrests seven from Nablus

Israeli armed forces arrested seven residents, Tuesday morning, during the ongoing massive military invasion of the West Bank city of Nablus.

Military operations were intensified in Nablus on Monday. 

Mohamed Al Qadi, 19, Mahmod Zahed, 22, Marwan Saeed, 16, Imad Shalhob, 21, Sedki Al Aghbar, 33, were amongst those arrested.

Soldiers’ conducted a wide scale house-to-house search of the Nablus old city. Currently Snipers still occupy homes for use as shooting towers, and soldiers were laying in wait to ambush Intifada activists in several areas of the city, eyewitnesses said.

Army invades Burqin village and arrests several residents

Israeli troops invaded the village of Burqin near Jenin in the northern West Bank on Tuesday morning, they arrested several residents.

Troops stormed the village imposed curfew and conducted wide scale search, residents were unable to enter Burquin for work or school, local sources reported.

Omer Abas, Mostafa Sobeh and his brother Soheil, Miss’ad Abu Kahlid, Lotfi Yousif, among others were taken to an unknown destination.

These taken raised the number of Palestinian civilians arrested since Tuesday morning to 18.

Army invades Tulkarem, and arrest three residents

In a morning invasion of the West Bank city of Tulkarem, the Israeli army arrest three residents.

Several army vehicles and soldiers invaded the city and the refugee camp, searching number of homes before arresting Mohamed Khalied, 17, and Khaled Jamal, 21, eyewitnesses reported.

The Israeli installed a military checkpoint at the entrance of the city and barred the residents from entering or leaving claiming the area is a military closed zone.

Two residents arrested from Neim village in Hebron

Mazen Abu Sakot, 24, and his nephew Mohammad Al Tarbra, 24, were arrested during an invasion to Bani Neim village in the West Bank city of Hebron, on Tuesday at dawn.

Troops invaded the village, and arrested the two residents after breaking into their houses and searching them. The two were taken to unknown destinations.

Army arrest two residents from Azzuon village east of Qalqilia

The Israeli armed forces invaded Azzoun village, east of the West Bank city of Qalqilia, and arrested Mo’men Adwan, 20, after searching his home.

Adwan was injured two months ago in clashes that erupted between soldiers and the residents at the village entrance, local sources reported.

Also Ja’far Adwan from Azzoun village was arrested as he was crossed a military checkpoint near the village on his way to work, the sources added.

Three children injured by Israeli shelling in Gaza

Three children were injured Tuesday morning in Beit Lahia, in the north of the Gaza Strip, due to the ongoing Israeli army shelling of the area.

Army tanks shelled residential areas and sewage treatment plants in the area. Damage to the sewage plants has threatens contamination of the Gaza water supply with raw sewage, and a potential environmental disaster if shelling continues.

The children were aged 14, 15 and 16, but their names have not yet been released by the hospital at the time of this report.

Israeli Troops storm residents homes in Beit Awwa village in Hebron; and arrest one

Israeli troops stormed the homes of residents at Beit Awwa village and arrested one, Tuesday morning.

Several army vehicles entered the village, forced families out of their homes for thorough searches, before arresting Zied Al Sowati, 18, and taking him to an unknown destination, eyewitnesses reported.

And that’s just some of the news for today in Palestine. For constant updates, check out the International Middle East Media Center website, http://www.IMEMC.org. As always, thanks for joining us. From Occupied Bethlehem, this is Pennie Quinton