Palestinian Prime Minister Ismael Haniya said the government managed to collect funds needed for the state employees’ salaries, from Arab countries.

Haniya said the money is now with the Arab League fund, and is currently studying the possibility to get the funds to Banks in Palestine.

Haniya said that during the fourth government session held in Gaza and Ramallah through the video conference.  He cautioned the political factions not to fight over political differences and to use dialogue to solve internal conflicts.

The Prime Minister called for an end to the display of weapon in the Palestinian streets.

Regarding the ongoing boycott, Haniya warned that this boycott harms the Palestinian people as a whole and asked the involved parties to reconsider their position on this issue.

He commenced the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ efforts to end this siege which is causing a serious economic crisis in Palestine.

Haniya added that he is open for talks with the British Prime Minister Tony Blair after comments made by the British Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jack straw in which he expressed readiness to dialogue with Hamas.

Since Hamas won the Parliamentary elections last January and formed the government in March alone after all Palestinian parties refused to join a coalition with Hamas, the United States and the European Union decided to stop aid to the Palestinian Authority which is leading the Palestinian people to a disaster.

The Palestinians have asked the international community to respect their democratic choice if they claim to be democratic and respect democracy.