Israel will unilaterally, pullout from some areas in the West Bank in the coming four years, stats the agreement signed between the majority party Kadima and its ally the Labor Party.

The plan is to move some 70 thousand settlers into proper areas and to annex three major settlements blocs built on the West Bank land into as well.

These blocs are the Maale Adomim bloc to the east of Jerusalem and separates it from the Jordan Valley, Gush Etzion bloc separates Hebron area from Bethlehem and the Ariel bloc which cuts 25 kilometers deep into the northern West Bank areas.

Israeli official claim the absence of a Palestinian partner for peace.  Ehud Olmert, leader of the Kadima party said he will implement the pullout unilaterally if there is no Palestinian partner.

Last week, Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas said he will call the Israeli leaders for negotiations after they form the government; however, ‘s plan is to draw the borders unilaterally without reaching any agreement with the Palestinians.

It is likely that Olmert’s plan face opposition in the Knesset especially that the Kadima-Labor coalition does not enjoy an absolute majority and will have to join the religious Shass party which enjoys 12 seats in the Knesset.

Shass is known of opposing the pullout plan as it opposed the former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s unilateral disengagement plan from the Gaza Strip in 2005.

The leftist Meretz party is also negotiating with Kadima on joining the government, especially after the immigrants party, "Israel Our Home" decided not to join the government with Olmert.