The Israeli army invaded several villages and areas in the West Bank city of Hebron and arrested 17 residents, Monday morning, Palestinian sources rerported.

In Bani N’aim village, troops stormed the residents’ homes and arrested thirteen civilians including, Imad Manasra, Yihaia Ihmedat, 23, Mohamed Ed’ebes, 26, Ali Barakat, 41, all were taken to unknown location.

In the same time another force invaded Al Aroub refugee camp in the city and arreted four residents who were identified as; Tal’at Roshdi, 26, Yousif Al Tabti, 25, Ala Al Tabti, 23 and Imad Al Skafi, 27, local sources reported.

This military operation is still going in some areas of the city and the surrounding village and more are expected to be made in the coming hours, residents reported.

These arrests are among other invasions and arests made in the West Bank on Monday morning.  The military invaded the Nablus and arrested five people, and invaded Tulkarem city and killed a 45 -year-old woman.