At lest one senior Palestinian security officer was killed and another injured when a bomb went off in his car in Gaza.  Officer Nabil Hudhud, director of the Palestinian Preventive Security force in the Gaza Strip died immediately and another was wounded and was evacuated to the hospital for medical treatment.

Hudhud is known of being loyal to the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

Earlier in the day, gunmen kidnapped killed a Hamas operative in the southern Gaza Strip.

A Palestinian security source in Gaza reported that one member of the Al Qassam Brigade, the armed wing of Hamas, was killed and two others were injured after being abducted by unknown gunmen earlier on Wednesday at dawn east of Khan Younis.

Few days ago, unknown militant group attempted to assassinate the head of the Palestinian General Intelligence in his office in Gaza.

Tareq Abu Rajab suffered serious wounds and his accompanier was killed when a bomb went off near the elevator they were taking in the intelligence headquarters in Gaza City.

Few hours later, a group that linked itself with al-Qaeda claimed responsibility for attempting to assassinate Abu Rajab.

Palestinian officials denied that al-Qaeda has any activity in the Gaza Strip despite of earlier comments by the President Abbas which did not rule out this possibility.

Several Palestinian leaders warned against internal fight between the Palestinian armed factions and called all parties to solve conflicts through talks.

Delegations from the two main rival parties, Fatah and the ruling Hamas party agreed to calm the situation down and stop the in-fight which escalated during the past week.