Mahmoud Majzoub, known as Abu Hamza, an Islamic Jihad official has been reported dead at a Lebanese hospital hours after he was seriously injured in a car bombing in Saida refugee camp, south of Lebanon. His brother, Nidal, died at the scene.

The Islamic Jihad movement blamed Israel for the attack, while Israeli officials denied any involvement.

The explosion happened on Friday when the men, who were in the same car, turned the ignition, Lebanese security sources reported.

The blast, near the Abu Baker mosque in Saida refugee camp in Lebanon, appeared to have been caused by a bomb planted in the vehicle, the security sources added.

Islamic Jihad leader injured in Lebanon, his brother killed
Saed Bannoura – IMEMC & Agencies, 13:48

Friday morning, Islamic Jihad leader in Lebanon, Mahmoud Majzoub (Abu Hamza), was seriously injured and his while his brother Nidal was killed in a car bomb in Saida city, south of Lebanon. Lebanese security sources,  and Palestinian officials of the group blamed Israel for the assassination.

An Israeli military sources reported that the army is not aware of any Israeli involvement in the attack, Israeli Ynetnews reported.

Lebanese security sources reported that the explosion took place as the two men, who were in the same car, turned the ignition. The blast took place near the Abu Bakir mosque in Saida, it was most likely caused by a bomb planted in the vehicle, the security sources added.

Islamic Jihad representative in Beirut Abu Imad Al Rifaey, blamed Israel for the attack and said that this is the second assassination attempt on Majzoub, since the first one was carried out in 1999.

Deputy secretary general of the Islamic Jihad in Palestine, Ziad Al Nakahala, held Israel responsible for the attack and said that “this crime will not pass without retaliation”.

“The Zionist enemy will lose if the campaign goes beyond Palestine’s borders”, he added, “our hand is long and it can reach its institutions all across the world."

Israel’s assassination attacks and arrest invasion in the Gaza Strip and the occupied West Bank repeatedly targeted Islamic Jihad fighters and leaders causing civilian casualties, which prompted the movement to call for revenge attacks against the Israeli army and inside Israel.