A Palestinian medical source in Beit Hanoun, in the northern part of the Gaza Strip, reported on Friday afternoon that one Palestinian child was seriously injured after the Israeli army based at the northern borders of the Gaza Strip shelled Beit Hanoun.

The child, identified as Tareq Shihada, 14, was treated at Beit Hanoun Hospital then was transferred to Al Shifa hospital in Gaza City due to the seriousness of his condition.

Also on Friday, a 54-year old man from Jabalia town, in the northern part of the Gaza Strip, was injured after the army shelled his town.

The man, identified as Omar Abu Warda, was transferred to Al Awda Hospital, in northern Gaza.

Troops resumed the shelling of residential areas close to the borders of the Gaza Strip after claiming that resistance fighters fired homemade shells at Israeli settlements close to Gaza borders.

Several families fled their homes fearing additional shelling to their areas.