Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, is slated to meet with the Egyptian President President, Hosney Mubarak, next Sunday at the Egyptian Resort of Sharm Al Sheikh, an Israeli source reported.

The meeting is part of a series of meetings Olmert is holding with several leaders of the world in an attempt to present his “Convergence Plan” which involves limited Israeli withdrawals from small settlements in the West Bank without holding talks with the Palestinians.
Israeli online daily, Haaretz, reported that Olmert and Mubarak repeatedly held talks over phone since the former Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, suffered a stroke on January 4, but this meeting will be the first since Olmert assumed his responsibility as a Prime Minister.
When in Washington last week, Olmert said that he will present his plan to King Abdullah of Jordan next month, and will be presenting the plan also to France, Germany, and the United Kingdom.