The Israeli army and settlers attacked farmland, burned olive trees and injured two brothers, arresting arresting one of them in the West Bank city of Hebron, Monday at dawn.

Rami Abu Is’efan, 27 and his brother Soliman, 31, were injured when settlers form Kriat Arba settlement attacked the olive orchards and farmlands that belong to the Palestinian residents of the city.

Soldiers and settlers attacked the Is’efan family’s land and their house, which is close to the settlement.  The Israeli’s injured the two brothers and the Army arrested Soliaman, the family reported.

According to the local residents, settlers targeted scores of olive trees while the army not only witnessed the attack but stopped Palestinian fire brigades from arriving to the land to stop the fire, increasing the losses.

Meanwhile, another group of settlers attacked resident’s homes with stones and empty glass bottles, causing a state of panic among the children and damage to the homes, eyewitnesses reported.