The Boston Coalition for Palestinian Rights (BCPR), together with a dozen other Boston-area peace and justice organizations, will be holding a demonstration in Cambridge, Massachusetts, the group said in a press release that IMEMC received a copy.

The call for the protest The protest will highlight the severe humanitarian crisis facing the Palestinian civilian population for exercising its democratic right to vote for candidates not to the liking of the and , says the press release.

“How can the say it favors democracy in the Middle East and then punish    Palestinians for the results of their democratic election?” asked Nancy Murray an activist of BCPR.  “The Israeli-Palestinian conflict will not be resolved by starving the Palestinians,” she added.

Because of the cut off of international aid following the Palestinian election in January, some schools and clinics in the West Bank and Gaza are being shut down, and hospitals are running out of medicine and supplies.  Hundreds of thousands of people  — including teachers, doctors and nurses – have not received salaries for over three months, food is in short supply or too expensive to purchase, and fuel deliveries have been disrupted. 

Former World Bank president James Wolfensohn declared on May 1, “It would surprise me if one could win by getting all the kids out of school and starving the Palestinians.”  Wolfensohn left his post after the aid to the Palestinian Authority was cut of after Hamas won the Parliamentary elections.

The protest corresponds to a call put out by a coalition of Israeli peace and justice groups that are asking people around the world to hold simultaneous protests to demand an end to the siege of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

These groups are planning to take a convoy of food and medicines to Palestinians who are experiencing one of the worst crises of a 39-year-long Israeli military occupation. In addition, the groups will also collect funds to send them to less fortunate families in the Gaza Strip.