Three Palestinians were killed on Sunday in Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip.  The three belong to Al-Qassam brigade, Hamas’ armed wing, as Israeli gun shelled the strip, Palestinian medical and security sources reported.

Israeli sources said the two were killed while firing home-made projectiles at Israeli targets.

The source said that three Israelis were injured and there were some buildings damaged when Palestinian resistance groups fired home-made projectiles.

An Israeli warplane fired two missiles at the Palestinians lauching the projectiles, killing two instantly with a third dying later of his injuries.

Medical sources at the northern Gaza Strip’s Kamal Adwan Hospital in Beit Lahia reported that bodies of the two dead were severely mutilated. The third man was pronounced dead shortly after arriving.

In another development, Palestinian security sources and eyewitnesses reported Sunday that two members of Islamic Jihad were wounded as a result of an explosion in a Beit Lahia house.

One member died shortly after arriving at Kamal Adwan Hospital. The other man sustained serious injuries but is expected to surivive. 

The sources reported those killed in the Israeli air attack were 30 year old Salem Radi and Mohammad Baker Masri from Hamas. Amar Shihab from Saraya Al Quds was killed in the Beit Lahia explosion.

Homes were severely damaged in the Beit Lahia explosion, though it is still unclear whether it was caused by an explosive device inside the buildings or as the result of an Israeli bombing.

There was a third explosion in the Gaza Strip, around the same time as the other blasts. Currently there is now information as to the cause or damage.