Lawyer of the Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS), Mustafa Al Azmouty, said that the conditions at Salem Israeli detention camp, west of the West Bank city of Jenin, are sharply deteriorating, while Prison Administration is rejecting to improve them and provide the detainees with their basic rights guaranteed by the International Law.

After visiting several detainees Tuesday, Al Azmouty said that the detainees complained of mistreatment, crowded rooms, and insufficient food.

The detainees said they are punished any time they complain of mistreatment and that soldiers have confined several detainees to solitary confinement without apparent reasons.

One of the detainees told Al Azmouty that the Prison Administration will place up to 40 detainees in seven small rooms that combined total less than 60 meters. The detainees said the rooms are often hot and humid with no fans provided for relief.

The detainees also complained that there is a shortage of food and that the food provided is often not very good quality.  An example given was a Yogurt can and a piece of bread being shared for every ten detainees.

The detainees added that soldiers repeatedly broke into their rooms and attacked them without explanation.  

Meanwhile, the PPS reported that Salem Prison Administration are now barring lawyers from visiting several detainees. the administration does not allow more than one lawyer to enter the facility each day.