Four residents from the West Bank city of Hebron and one of its nearby towns were injured on Thursday when they were attacked by Israeli soldiers and settlers.

Palestinian medical sources in Hebron governmental hospital reported that three residents were hospitalized with bruises and broken bones after being violently attacked by the Israeli army and extremist settlers. Among the injured were Yaser Abed Al Jabar Shabana,12, who was treated for a fractured right hand after being attacked by the settlers in Tel Rumeida neighborhood in the old city of Hebron. Refa’ee A’reef AlAtrash, 36, sustained large bruises in his right foot after being attacked by the soldiers in the old city and Tareq Badawi Ismaiel Ghneemat, 17, was treated for serious bruising  all over his body after being attacked along with another resident by the soldiers near the Separation Wall, west of  the nearby town of Surif.

Meanwhile, security sources in the joint operations room reported that a Palestinian police man was transferred to Al Ahli hospital in Hebron after sustaining injuries from an attack by the Israeli soldiers on the settler’s road at the entrance of Surif town.