The Union of Palestinian Refugees in Iraq reported Wednesday evening that two Palestinian refugees were shot an killed in Abu Ghreib area in Iraq.

The Union issued a press release stating that Amer Salebiyya, 27, and Mohannad Ahmad, 25, were killed after “Iraqi gangs” opened fire at them while they were heading back home in the Al Doura area, south of Baghdad.

The death of the two Palestinian refugees in Iraq raises the total number of Palestinians killed in Iraq to eleven in less than 48 hours. One other refugee was abducted, but his whereabouts remained unknown.

The Union added that these attacks “are carried out by groups sponsored by the American occupation forces and from other armed groups.”

The Union appealed to the international community, particularly to Arab and Muslim countries, to rescue and support the Palestinians in Iraq from these “ugly and brutal crimes that aim to exterminate the Palestinian people there”.

The refugees who were killed in Iraq were tortured before they were executed, the Union added.