Israeli war planes shelled Dar Al Arkam School in the center of Gaza city Wednesday at dawn. The school was hit with two missiles that completely destroying the building along with damaging nearby houses and cars, eyewitnesses reported.
Local medical sources reported treating several residents for panic, especially among the children of the area.

The center of Gaza city is considered to be one of the most crowded areas in the strip, although no injuries or deaths have been reported so far.

This comes as the Israeli army continues its ‘Summer Rain’ military offensive in the Gaza Strip, in which several districts have been invaded and jet fighters regularly shell civilian buildings and public spaces.

The Palestine Information Center said that the Israeli air strike also targeted the Islamic University in Gaza city.  At least two missiles were fired from an Israeli apache causing damage to the buildings of University campus.

Dr. Kamalin Shaath, rector of the university, described the aerial bombarding as a "sinful act" and urged the Arab League, the Organization of Islamic Countries, the United Nations and Human Rights and other International organizations to protect the Palestinian people and their civil institutions.

The PA education ministry also issued a press release denouncing the Israeli shelling of the University, describing it as "barbaric".

Israeli Apaches also bombed the building of the Palestinian Ministry of Interior for the second time in the past few days, eyewitnesses and media sources said.

This time, the bombing has completely destroyed the building and caused injury to four bystanders, the sources said.

This bombing came two days after Israeli war planes fired several missiles at the office of the Palestinian Prime Minister Ismael Haniya in Gaza city.  Haniya was not at the office when it was bombed.

The recent attack on the Gaza City Power Station has left thousands of civilians without access to water or electricity and other attacks have targeted infrastructure and roads, leaving the Gaza Strip divided into three isolated areas.