The Israeli army started to build new sections of the Annexation Wall south of the West Bank city of Hebron and surveyed the area there and installed signs in order to erect the Wall.  The new construction is in the area around the nearby illegal settlement of Ashkelot that is built on the private Palestinian lands of Al Thahreyah town.

Abdel Kareem AlSh’ur, head of Al Ramadeen village, reported that Israeli military bulldozers and armored vehicles stated bulldozing the farmlands north east of Al Ramadeen village and are near the 1967 borders that belong to its residents in order to build new sections of the Wall there.

Thousands of acres of farmlands would be lost if the construction continues, belonging to the residents of Al Ramadeen, Al Tahreyah and Dura towns are planted with almonds, olive and figs trees.

Farmers in the area said that construction will  destroy the archeological area of Kherbat Zamel and wide areas of pastoral lands, as well as more than twenty aquifers.