Israeli sources reported that one Israeli soldier, identified as St.-Sgt. Alex Assaf, 21, from Karmiel, was killed, while three other soldiers were injured on Wednesday, when troops of the Israeli Givati Brigade accidentally stepped in a minefield in southern Lebanon.  Separately, three Lebanese soldiers were killed by unexploded devices left by Israeli forces.

The incident took place in the Shiba Farms in southern Lebanon, Israeli sources added.

One commander was seriously injured, another sustained moderate wounds while the third suffered light wounds.
The mine-field that killed the soldier and wounded his colleagues was planted by the Israeli forces several years ago “in an attempt to prevent the infiltration of Hezbolah fighters”, senior Israeli military sources reported.

The officials added that the mines “possibly shifted in the ground as a result of weather and terrain changes”.

Also, other sources said that it is possible that the troops made navigation mistakes during their return from Lebanon to Israel.

According to Israeli military investigation, the forces entered the minefield close to 5 a.m on Wednesday morning.

Israeli media sources reported that the soldier was the second Israeli military fatality since the UN-brokered truce on August 14.
Last Friday, one Israeli commander identified as  Lt.-Col. Emanuel Moreno, 35,was killed during clashes with Hezbollah fighters after the army attacked an area in the center of Lebanon.

On Monday, one Israeli soldier was seriously injured when he fill and hit his head as the soldiers were patrolling the southern Lebanese village of Taibeh.

According to senior Israeli sources, the army will remain in positions in occupied near villages in southern Lebanon until the arrival of the multinational force. After the force is positions, the army will conduct gradual transfer of the occupied territory.