Palestinian political detainees in Salem Israeli prison are preparing to carry a hunger strike in protest of the difficult and harsh conditions they face in detention. The detainees held a one day hunger strike as a warning of more to come if there conditions do not improve.

The detainees reported that the Israeli prison administration should listen to their demands that are justified in accordance to the international law and the principles of human rights.

The detainees wrote an official letter stating that they are detained in humane conditions and deprived of their basic rights in addition to facing provocative treatment by the soldiers are prison administration.

They are even barred from their basic right of being able to bathe regularly, deprived of medical treatment, and receive inadequate amounts of food. In many cases, the food provided to them was corrupt. 

The letter stated that dozens of detainees have sever health conditions that require hospitalization, continuous medical attention and care.

The detainees called on the international community to intervene and force Israel to improve their conditions and stop its illegal practices against them.

There are at least 10000 detainees in Israeli prisons and detention facilities. They are deprived from their basic rights guaranteed by the international law and the Fourth Geneva Conventions.