The Israeli army opened Karn-A border crossing between Gaza and Israel on Sunday
morning after closing it for more than two months ago.

Suleiman Abu Safia, the
directer of border crossing security told Maannews agency that the
movement of goods was slow and limited, in the first few hours after it was reopened.

Abu Safia predicted that the
level of wok and goods coming to Gaza will increase in the coming
hours.  The Israeli army agreed to open the crossing twelve hours, from 5:00 am 
to 5:00 pm  on daily basis and will allow the Palestinian
workers to keep importing goods into Gaza until 7:00 pm.

Abu Safia said that today
more than 60 trucks loaded with goods passed the crossing to Gaza
and 20 trucks left the strip to Israel and the West Bank, he added
that Israeli Authorities allowed all kinds of goods to pass into
the strip.

The Karni crossing is
located at the eastern borders between Gaza and Israel and is
subjected to high security control by the army, and was closed for a long time, creating a serious shortage of goods in the strip which is inhabited by more than 1.5 million Palestinians.