The Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) canceled its session on
Monday after clashes between angry public sector employees and Prime
Minster Isma'il Haniya's guards in Gaza.


Earlier, hundreds of angry government employees gathered in front of the PLC building in Gaza City this morning demanding their salaries, which have been delayed for seven consecutive months. When Haniya arrived to the building the demonstrators stood at the three gates of the PLC building and stopped Haniya from entering the PLC until his guards along with Palestinian security forces fired several rounds of live ammunition in the air to disperse the demonstrators.
Haniya managed to enter the building after facing difficulties while the number of employees demonstrating outside increased and attempted to prevent Haniya from leaving the PLC.

According to the Palestinian news agency WAFA, two people were injured as they were run over by the convoy of PM Haniya leaving the PLC.

The session was canceled after Fatah members in PLC condemned what happened, called it "gang acts" and  decided to leave.

The two injured were identified as Saber Abu Al Laban and Jihan Al Sarsawi.